Old School blackout. That's real friendship right there.
But anywayyyyssss, these two paintings by George Caleb Bingham are suppose to depict a County Election and can be seen at S.L.A.M. (St. Louis Art Museum) It's also like...why are there two of these paintings...? Did he paint one then get blackout, forget he painted it, and do another? I mean have you seen what these people are doing? I really wouldn't be so surprised if that actually was the case. Some other fun highlights of this piece: the guy on the bottom right is going for the casual midday pass out and the guy on the far left is crushing another home brewed moonshine.
Old School Day Drinking Right Here.
I don't know what kind of elections you're going to...but the ones I attend usually involve old people pretending to give me instructions in English, smell like despair, and everyone is really sober.
Hey, but times they are a changing