He's got women in the'burbs, Woman in the hood. Yeah his wifey mad 'cause she knows he's no good. Man, he's just a dog. He'd be faithful if he could. But hey-he's Tiger Woods. Yeah, He's Tiger Woods.
Gaston is really trying to lay the charm on thick here with Belle. but I'm pretty sure she's going for the casual vom on his face, when he's trying to go in for the kill.
Pros: Gaston is jacked, best hunter in the town, tailored waist coat with gold buttons (the old-school version of a blue sports coat with gold buttons), and not to mention a following of minions and wenches.
Cons: He's a dirty dirty man, talks a lot of smack, is not good to his momma, doesn't like books, and his henchmen/boysz are beat looking.
well beggers can't be choosers. Lucky for Belle the really really heinous beast in the castle ends up being a really fine dime of a Prince...who just happened to have a curse because he was a douchelord in years past.
Hey, at least like Tiger, Gaston admits he has a problem. A problem with being so good looking and charming.