Every now and then everyone needs a little R&R, a little sexy time, shmexy.
And who better than one of the world's most notorious political figures, the Chairman. Mao-man. He's workin' hard all day, and deserves to do what he wants, even if that means dressing up and you know...testing the boundaries of gender norms, but just on the weekends...or in private. But come on! Pink is a great color on yeh.
This is one of a series of silkscreens the infamous Andy Warhol did based off of Chairman Mao. This series falls within his legacy of highlighting the hotties of pop culture like Jackie O and Marilyn M. Everyone's attracted to mystery and tragedy-hey, misery loves company. And all of us want to be a little alternative...or at least I do.
Sometimes, even the Mao puts on a silk shirt and offers to buy you a drink. He knows the barkeep.