Really, green eggs and ham?! REALLY? That's not natural, fo realsz. GO and get that chicken sandwich and waffle fries, and watch me snatch it from her reeeal quick! Afterwards, I had my choice of movies: Dr. Zhivago, A Brief Encounter, and a Bridge on the River Kwei- A LEAAN NIGHT!
anyways, all this talk is making me hungry - pissin' me off.
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Anyways, Dr. Seuss, whose name is actually Theodor Seuss Geisel, is known for his famous children's books. He wrote over 44 books during his lifetime under a variety of pen names, but is also known for his political cartoons he made during WWII. He attended Dartmouth College for undergrad where he joined Sigma Phi Hairsalon, I mean Epsilon, and then did a bunch of really important stuff like get a PhD in Oxford. yeahyeah.
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